Galatians 5:1 says “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”
Are you walking daily in the freedom that was made possible for you through Christ’s death on the cross? Do you even know what this freedom looks like? Check out Deuteronomy 28 for a good comparison of a life of blessing and freedom and a life no one wants to live but many do.
Many people are trapped by their past, in their mind, in their emotions, in their careers, and in relationships. Many people are suffering with their health, have trouble making the right decisions, or have a hard time just getting ahead in life.

Are you ready to make the decision to...
~ Fully surrender every part of yourself to Jesus
~ Put an end to the voices in your head or the negative "self-talk"/intrusive thoughts once and for all
~ Break generational cycles
~ Confront your demons and make them leave for good
I want to help you live a life of freedom in Jesus, empowered in your God-given purpose, living each day in the peace that scripture promises, and become a change agent in God's kingdom that impacts others around you. It is your time! Freedom is yours, and I can help you get there!

Phase 1: Break Away Session
This first session is designed to identify all the things holding you back in life, discover what needs to be done for you to fully break away (deliverance), and begin to launch you into the break through you have so desperately wanted. This session is typically anywhere between 2-4 hours.

Phase 2: Break Free Sessions
This 4 session coaching phase is designed to equip you with the wisdom needed and a custom strategy to help you break free of the habits and mindsets that can keep you from remaining free. We will meet for 90 minutes every other week for 8 weeks and work to solidify your freedom, catch a new vision for your life in the areas where you have been held back, and work to establish a courageous, unshakeable faith.

Phase 3: Break Through Sessions
The Break Through Sessions are designed to help you move with confidence and God-assurance into your purpose, calling, and identity in Christ. We will identify where the Lord is calling you to make an impact whether it is in your home, community, or around the world and work to establish you on course to victory. These sessions will be 60 minutes once a month for 4 months.
Client Testimonies
"Thank you for your help!!! For the past 25 years, my husband has struggled in his career. He has never seemed satisfied. He has been falsely accused, fired from jobs, and has had opportunities stolen from him. Since he has gone through your Break Away Program, we have seen massive differences in the respect he receives in the workplace, and we have started seeing the blessing of the Lord through our lives and finances. He no longer feels pressed down which motivates him to work harder and trust in the Lord at deeper levels. I will forever be grateful!!"
~ Wife of a Male Client
"Thank you so much Andrea! The Lord has really gifted you in deliverance and coaching. There is so much freedom in the coaching alone. I had to share how different it just was while I was praying. I feel like a new woman! I had confidence, and my words felt like they just flowed from my heart to His with boldness, passion, and no insecurity whatsoever! Thank you so much for helping me. The Lord is so faithful and infinitely good."
~ Jamie, Coaching Client
"Andrea is a beautiful and disciplined instrument of the LORD Jesus Christ. I grew stronger in my trust for our loving Father and experienced His true desire to see me set free. I now attend her mentoring program and cherish our time with the Holy Spirit."
~ Melissa Barrantes, Coaching Client
"I really can't say enough about Andrea and the impact her Freedom & Deliverance sessions have had on my life. The way she conducts these sessions are so calming & easy. I'm at such a peaceful and calming place for the first time that I can remember. Thank you Andrea for adhering to your calling & being a blessing to others."
~ Celia B.
"I feel a huge weight lifted. Speaking of old fears and patterns or habits don't affect me anymore, and I have so much more peace. I sleep so soundly now, don't struggle to fall asleep like I used to. Haven't been having demonic nightmares. Getting in the Word each day used to be such a struggle, and now, it is what I daily desire most. Just to be with Jesus and in presence. It's like the fight of faith is not overtaking me anymore. My prayer life is blossoming again feels like the hindrance has been removed. I feel alive! And I can identify the attacks of the enemy on my mind and his attempt to tempt me to worry and seeing it I immediately renounce it and pray to God instead of entertaining the thoughts and allowing them to cause me to spiral emotionally. I feel able to not believe the lies and it's SO freeing! I just take the thoughts captive so much more clearly now. I know they aren't my thoughts and I rebuke them and move forward! I am so grateful for your time and the ministry God has given you. "
~ Female Client
"It has been a struggle for one reason only. I think I've been living with my demons for so long that they became a part of me of my personality. So after the deliverance (Break Away Session), I felt a relief. A great burden lifted, but it doesn't mean I am healed. Just like with everything in life, I have to do more work to ensure those doors aren't open. Being a Christian does not mean I won't be tempted, and I know that very well. I have had arguments with my wife since then, and I notice I catch myself saying "wait I can't act like this. I have to talk it out. I have to set aside my pride because I cant give an inch to the enemy." So its been work, and I am slowly growing and I can feel the change in my thought patterns. I haven't given in to my past temptations of using or lustful thoughts. I've recognized them and dismissed them, and it has helped get me through. I am grateful to have met you and for the work you have or should say the fight you have instilled in me. Thank you."
~ Male Client