

Are you ready to make the decision to...

~ Fully surrender every part of yourself to Jesus...yes, even those parts that you keep hidden

~ Put an end to the voices in your head or the negative "self-talk" once and for all

~ Break generational cycles that run in your family

~ Break free from addictions

~ Confront your demons and make them leave for good that you can walk empowered in your God-given purpose, live each day in the peace that scripture promises, and become a change agent in God's kingdom that impacts others around you.  It is your time!  Freedom is yours!

Deliverance Form

Ready to be set free?  Please click the button below and fill out the Deliverance form.  This form gives me enough information to formulate a strategy for your deliverance session.  After I receive your form, I will give you a call, and we will get your session scheduled.  I am so excited for you!

I'm Ready to Be Free!

Ready to book an introductory call?

After you submit your deliverance form, you can wait for me to call you, or if you are ready to book an introductory call now, click the button below to access my schedule.  

Book an Introductory Call Now

My Deliverance Testimony...


In 2012, I founded I Will Stand International to rescue, restore, equip, and empower women and children all around the world. I told the Lord that I did not just want to put a band-aid on issues or do character development. I wanted to see real change, restoration, transformation, and freedom at a foundational level.

In my late teens and early twenties, I struggled with abandonment, anxiety, fear, depression, and suicidal thoughts.  I grew up in an abusive household and was the victim of sexual, mental, emotional, and physical abuse. I “got my act together” in my early twenties so that I could function. I got tired of just crying in bed all day. I made a choice to function. I chose life.  Shoving it down helped me cope, but I wasn’t healed.  I wasn’t free.

Over the course of 15 years, as I cried out to the Lord, sought him, and asked him to heal all my broken pieces, He slowly delivered me and healed me from the internal oppression (demons).

Throughout that time, I couldn’t articulate how I was healing, I just said that it was Jesus when people would ask. While that is accurate, I was internally battling spiritual oppression caused by demons and overcoming it by surrendering it to Jesus day by day.

A few years into IWSI, we bumped into some witchcraft in Africa and some severely tormented and oppressed Christians here locally.  I am a problem solver by nature so I went to the Lord and to scripture and started digging in for answers. I wanted to know why believers were so afflicted and tormented.  It did not make sense to me because I knew that my God was bigger than anything the enemy was trying to do.   

For four years, I studied and prayed with people. We even went through a demonic attack with one of my children in which the Lord guided me through. Had I not been already seeking and studying, she would be on medication right now just to function, but PRAISE THE LORD, she is not. Instead, she is walking in complete and total freedom. Praise the Lord who provides before we have need.

During my research and attempts to help people walk into freedom, there was one woman that kept coming back to me desperately seeking freedom, but we were stuck.  I started asking questions like how do we know if someone is completely set free?  I know that demons are suppose to obey the name of Jesus but how do we get them to do it.  I had the knowledge, but needed some mentoring and a strategy.   

I remembered Don Dickerman Ministries, connected with them, and they graciously began training me in deliverance. I had a pretty good knowledge from my self study, but they gave me a strategy and trained me in efficiency and effectiveness.  I am forever grateful for their team. Their generosity with decades of knowledge and experience will make an eternal impact through me. The Lord answered my prayer from 2012 about not wanting to just teach behavior modification, but to deal with hurts, hang-ups, brokenness, and feelings of being stuck at a foundational level. I am so grateful for the opportunities that the Lord has given me to be his tool to help and see people walk in complete freedom…to battle the external enemy from a place of full rest and peace instead of trying to fight through the heavy weights of internal oppression. I have had the opportunity to see people instantly go from heaviness to lightness, from burdened to joyous, and have all the negative chatter in their mind removed.  They leave seeing, hearing, and walking more fully with the Lord.

I stay in a constant state of awe at how much the Lord loves us and desires for us to live like Adam and Eve in the garden before the fall: at complete peace internally and in constant communion with Him. For more of my testimony, how the Lord took me from brokenness to ministering around the world, and the ins and outs of deliverance, check out my book Arise and Stand


Can a Christian have demonic oppression?


Yes!  Christians cannot be possessed because we were bought by the blood of Christ (Galatians 3:13-5).  We are the possession of God (1 Corinthians 6:20).  However, sin is in the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21; Romans 8:13).  Don Dickerman answers it this way in his book, “When Pigs Move In”:

“Often people ask me how a demon could possibly be in a Christian if the Holy Spirit is there.  My response is with a question, “How can sin and evil thinking be where the Holy Spirit is?”  Sin is in the flesh, the mind, will, and emotions.  Turmoil is the result.  Demons cannot enter the spirit of man, just as sin could not enter the holy of holies.  But demons can and do gain access to the flesh and soul of believers!  This is a battle, and it is not being disclosed by most preachers.  Hence, many Christians live defeated because they are not even aware of what the battle is.

Demonic oppression is common among believers…Demons gain access to the body or soul by many different doorways.  My experience is that they stay until they are commanded to leave.  They enter by deception and become “squatters.”  They take and take, until in the name of Jesus Christ, someone puts an end to it.” (p. 134)

Jesus spent time when he was on earth casting out demons and setting people free.  He has given us the authority in His name to do the same (Luke 10:19).  Jesus loves you more than you can imagine and wants you walking in complete and total freedom so you can do the works that he has prepared for you.  

Client Testimonies

"I got really good sleep last night, and I think that I am done smoking for real!  I haven't smoked any cigs and the smell is even offensive.  The session helped me recognize areas where the enemy was working in my life.  Those things are cast out, you are forgiven, and it is replaced with peace.  I am still tempted, but now I have the freedom and power to resist.  I feel empowered!  Without Jesus none of this would be possible!"

~ Freedom/Deliverance Session Client

"Thank you so much Andrea! The Lord has really gifted you in deliverance and coaching. There is so much freedom in the coaching alone. I had to share how different it just was while I was praying. I feel like a new woman! I had confidence, and my words felt like they just flowed from my heart to His with boldness, passion, and no insecurity whatsoever! Thank you so much for helping me. The Lord is so faithful and infinitely good."

~ Jamie

"Andrea is a beautiful and disciplined instrument of the LORD Jesus Christ.  I grew stronger in my trust for our loving Father and experienced His true desire to see me set free.  I now attend her mentoring program and cherish our time with the Holy Spirit."

~ Melissa Barrantes, Client Testimony

"I really can't say enough about Andrea and the impact her Freedom & Deliverance sessions have had on my life. The way she conducts these sessions are so calming & easy. I'm at such a peaceful and calming place for the first time that I can remember. Thank you Andrea for adhering to your calling & being a blessing to others."

~ Celia B.

"I feel a huge weight lifted. Speaking of old fears and patterns or habits don't affect me anymore, and I have so much more peace. I sleep so soundly now, don't struggle to fall asleep like I used to. Haven't been having demonic nightmares. Getting in the Word each day used to be such a struggle, and now, it is what I daily desire most. Just to be with Jesus and in presence. It's like the fight of faith is not overtaking me anymore. My prayer life is blossoming again feels like the hindrance has been removed. I feel alive! And I can identify the attacks of the enemy on my mind and his attempt to tempt me to worry and seeing it I immediately renounce it and pray to God instead of entertaining the thoughts and allowing them to cause me to spiral emotionally. I feel able to not believe the lies and it's SO freeing! I just take the thoughts captive so much more clearly now. I know they aren't my thoughts and I rebuke them and move forward! I am so grateful for your time and the ministry God has given you. "

~ Female Client

"It has been a struggle for one reason only. I think I've been living with my demons for so long that they became a part of me of my personality. So after the deliverance, I felt a relief. A great burden lifted but it doesn't mean i am healed. Just like with everything in life. I have to do more work to ensure those doors aren't open. Being a Christian does not mean i wont be tempted and i know that very well. I have had arguments with my wife since then and i notice i catch myself saying "wait i cant act like this. i have to talk it out. i have to set aside my pride because i cant give an inch to the enemy." So its been work and i am slowly growing and i can feel the change in my thought patterns. I haven't given in to my past temptations of using or lustful thoughts .I've recognized them and dismissed them and it has helped get me through. I am grateful to have met you and for the work you have or should i say the fight you have instilled in me. Thank you."

~ Male Client

Frequently Asked Questions