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2025 Spiritual Warfare Intensive

August 29 - September 1

Come Join Us

Understand and Grow in Your Spiritual Authority

Whether you are new to spiritual warfare or are a seasoned ministry leader, you will gain understanding and get equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to stand in the your authority in Christ and defeat the enemy in your life and in the lives of those around you.


Get equipped with the Lord's strategies for spiritual warfare

Hosea 4:6 says "my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge." Jesus says in John 10:10, "the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come so that you may have life and have it to the fullest." Too many people are sitting on church pews or navigating life ignorant of the real strategies given to us to walk in the fullness of Christ and keep the enemy from destroying our lives or the lives of our loved ones.  From basic to advanced spiritual warfare techniques, this Intensive will equip you with the strategies you need to walk in victory through Jesus. 


Healing and Restoration

Along with regaining stolen ground from the enemy comes healing and restoration from damage, trauma, pain, suffering, and burdens. You will learn how to release the things we hold on, put together all the broken pieces, and take back what the enemy has stolen. We do not have to spend decades working through and sorting through the issues of life. Learn how to give it all over to Jesus.

Spiritual Warfare Intensive 2025

August 29 - September 1, 2025

We heard you the last 2 years! The biggest request has been more time...just one more day! This year, we are responding to that request with a full extra day of training, activities, R&R, and relationship building. 

Daily Overviews

Friday: Check In Begins, Dinner, Ordination Ceremony, Overview, Introductions, Networking, & Fellowship

Saturday:  Trainings, Break Outs, Q&A, Activities, Rest & Relaxation

Sunday: Sunday morning Church Service, Trainings, Breakouts, Activities and more R&R

Monday: Breakfast and Closing


Go to agenda
"For anyone who is looking for more knowledge about spiritual warfare or are experiencing spiritual warfare, but you are not sure what to do. I would encourage you to join the Spiritual Warfare Intensive with Andrea Williams. This quality training will give you a better understanding of what spiritual warfare is, and better yet how to battle it, and have complete freedom in our Lord Jesus Christ and help others be free. Get ready to experience, great training, fellowship, and watch God move!"

Sandra Drynan (2023 Attendee)

Ready to expand your knowledge of Spiritual Warfare?


Spiritual warfare strategies and leading someone to full freedom in Christ moves beyond casting out a few demons. We will take a look at the depth of mastery of the enemy and get equipped with God's plan for redemption and salvation. 

At this Intensive:

  • Begin recognizing deep rooted ancestral ties to the enemy that keep generations from breaking away and living a life of full freedom in Jesus.
  • Gain insight in how to navigate when the enemy won't seem to budge.
  • Learn how to effectively chip away layers and usher in healing and restoration. 
  • Learn how to identity the root issue and gain understanding in what to do about it. 




❖ Check-In Begins


❖ Welcome

❖ Dinner

❖ Ordination Ceremony

❖ Networking & Fellowship




*Schedule adjustments may be made as we get closer to the event date. 

*More information will be added as the agenda is solidified.



  7:30am - 8:15am

❖ Breakfast

  8:30am - 9:30am

❖ SESSION 1: Gaining Ground: Understanding the Spiritual War Around Us

  9:45am - 10:45Am

❖ SESSION 2: Traps, Snares, & Strategies of the Enemy

  11:00Am - 11:45pm

❖ Break Out Sessions

  12:00pm - 12:45pm

❖ Lunch

  1:00pm - 4:00pm

❖ Afternoon Activities/Break: Gun Range, Horseback riding, swimming pool, fishing, Q&A/Sessions with Andrea Williams

  4:00pm - 6:00pm

❖ SESSION 3: The Deliverance Process


❖ Dinner & Fellowship


  7:30am - 8:15 am

❖ Breakfast

  8:30am - 8:45am

❖ Church in the Chapel

  9:15am - 10:15am

❖ SESSION 4: "In the Mighty Name of Jesus!" -  Understanding and Growing in Spiritual Authority

  10:30Am - 11:30Am

❖ Break Out Sessions

  12:00Pm - 12:45Am

❖ Lunch

  1:00Pm - 3:00Pm

❖ Afternoon Activities/Break

  3:15Pm - 4:15Pm

❖ SESSION 5: Putting the Pieces Back Together


❖ Dinner


  7:30am - 8:30 am

❖ Breakfast and Closing Remarks

  11:00 AM

❖ Check-out - Enjoy the property and amenities up until check-out time.



Session 1: Gaining Ground: Understanding the Spiritual War Around Us

Description to Come

Session 2: Traps, Snares, & Strategies of the Enemy

*This was a session favorite from the 2024 Intensive so we are bringing it back and going deeper this year!

Satan has been roaming the earth since the garden. He has been here way longer than we have. Staying free and helping others get to a place of freedom requires recognizing the strategies of the enemy and understanding how to stop him in his tracks. We don't have to live a defeated life. We just need knowledge. The Lord says in Hosea 4:6 that His people perish for a lack of knowledge. No longer does addiction, depression, fear, anxiety, sickness, disease, mental illness or any other disorder or dysfunction have to rule our lives. Jesus made a way out.

Session 3: The Deliverance Process

This session will fully examine the deliverance session process from "in passing" opportunities, group deliverance, one-on-one sessions, and people (spouses, parents, children, and relatives) standing in the gap. We will take a look at fragmentation, releasing trauma, and inner healing...all a very important part of the deliverance process. You will leave this session with a better understanding of the authority you have to lead people to freedom in Jesus. Even if you attended this session last year, there is so much new information that the Lord has shared over the last year. You don't want to miss!


Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free."
John 8:31-32


Session 4: "In the Mighty Name of Jesus!" -  Understanding and Growing in Spiritual Authority


Description to Come

SESSION 5: Putting the Pieces Back Together

Description to Come



    Just for Men

Led by: Aly Gomez, retired Lieutenant Colonel, US Air Force

Listening to the Heart of the Father: Prophetic Training

All about Hebrew: Language, Culture, Traditions

Led by: Melissa Barrantes

 More to come...

"For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery."
Galatians 5:1

Come and join us...

Willowood Ranch in Bells, Texas

This 350 acre rolling hill ranch consists of a beautiful chapel, event center, guest houses, swimming pools, hiking, fishing, game tables, a gun range, and horseback riding. 

Get equipped with the tools you need to be effective in Spiritual Warfare while getting away and resting in the beauty of God's creation. Make connections with lifelong friends who purpose to journey in deep intimacy with the Lord. This is sure to be a conference experience you won't forget.  

How can you expect to feel at the end of the Spiritual Warfare Intensive?

1. Confident to walk in your God-given authority and take territory back from the kingdom of darkness

Confidence in spiritual warfare comes from gaining knowledge and seeing that knowledge has a real impact your own life and the lives of those around you. Gain the knowledge, but also hear testimony after testimony of the impact that deliverance through Jesus has had in the lives of believers. 

2. Excited and energized to use your God-given authority to impact Your life and the lives of others

Whether you have a desire to lead others through deliverance or not, you will leave with an excitement that comes from being empowered with knowledge and truth that is life changing. After trainings, workshops, seminars, and conferences, believers leave ready to shift to the atmospheres around them, share bondage breaking knowledge, and some leave ready to answer the call of becoming a deliverance minister.  

3. Connected with other believers who desire to grow in their understanding of spiritual warfare

Our faith and impact grows when we are linked arms with other believers moving and growing in the same directions. "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

4. Equipped and Empowered with a Workbook full of Biblical Truth and Holy Strategies for Releasing the Prisoners and Setting the Captives Free

Leave the conference with notes from all the courses. We want you leaving fully equipped for whatever work the Lord has from you whether it is sharing about the tangible freedom available through Jesus's freedom work or sitting down leading someone through deliverance. 


For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.
2 Corinthians 10:4-6
"Such an incredible weekend!! 
It was so empowering to learn what God has instilled in us to help ourselves and others to have a closer walk with Him.  Demonic forces are waiting to steal that away from us.  They have to be confronted,  rejected,  cast out, and instructed never to return again.  Andrea explained and guided us through the process, so we may walk totally in faith with Him." 
Terry (2023 Attendee)

About the Host

Hi, I'm Andrea Williams, Founder & CEO of I Will Stand International and Andrea Williams International LLC

The Lord began my personal deliverance and freedom journey in 1997. In 2015, as I began praying for an understanding of how to help others the way He helped me, He began putting form to His process. So much learning has happened in the field! In 2020, I had the opportunity to train at Don Dickerman ministries and then began actively pursuing one-on-one deliverance ministry. Deliverance ministry is a frontline ministry where we are literally releasing the captives and setting prisoners free from the enemy. We see tangible miracles happening every day. In January 2023, the Lord began opening the door for me to begin equipping and training the church in deliverance, healing, restoration, and freedom. In the Fall of 2024, I was invited to lead a series of spiritual warfare equipping conferences for pastors and ministry leaders in Eastern Africa. I cannot wait to see what else the Lord has in store on this journey! 


 AvAILABLE until sold out

Conference with Onsite Lodging and Meals


Available until August 15th

Conference and Meals Only - NO ONSITE LODGING


Available until Sold Out

Add-on Horseback Riding

1 Hour Trail Ride


Available until Sold Out

Add-on Gun Range & Clay Shooting

3 hour Instruction and Shooting at the Gun Range

Instruction available for those that need it. Add to cart to reserve your space. The $100 fee will be paid at the event directly to the instructor. 

$75 paid at event


*Onsite lodging will be private rooms in guest houses. We will do our best to place groups in the same house.

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